Find unique everyday goods!

Our thrift store is a treasure trove of new and gently used items - from clothes and sporting goods, to books and collectibles, and distinctive household pieces - all at bargain prices. Drop by our location today and engage in some retail therapy!

Save society and save a life!

The SOS BC Village was founded as a grassroots response to the frequent placement breakdowns and moves for children in care. The Village has a track record of 100% of youth graduating high school within two years of expected date, versus only 40% of youth graduating in the provincial foster care system.


Steveston Thrift Store Customer Appreciation Event – 50% Off!

‘Tis the season to express our gratitude and celebrate the joy of giving! We are thrilled to invite you to our Customer Appreciation Event from December 19th to December 24th...

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Ways to give

Learn how you can make a difference in the community and help set up children and youth for success.


Find out which items are accepted for donation and where.

How to Donate


Discover how to volunteer at our store.

Volunteer Today

Join the community

Real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present.

Albert Camus

Growing up without a parent can be tough, but SOS BC gives foster kids homes … and hope. The many volunteers and staff who work in the thrift store recognize that they work with purpose and commitment, which allows SOS BC programs to have sustainability.

About Us

Our Thrift Store

Visit us at our great location: Steveston in Richmond.

Thrift Store